Constitution's Huge Fault
As I sit in my US History class and hear about the Constitution being constructed I wonder, "If the Constitution was so great and lasted this long, why is it hanging by a thread?" People tell me all the time that the Constitution has passed through the test of time and still is working but why does it not seem like it. The Constitution is barely alive and no one ever stops and thinks, jeez I am glad they wrote that. No people just seem to take everything for granted which is why tons of ignorant people in the United States don't realize that the Constitution was built on Christian beliefs.
While Christianity was the "It" religion when the Constitution was being written it seems that with the Constitution, Christianity also demised to one of the worse religions. Christian people avoid Sunday Mass and then make excuses to help them sleep better at night. But now it is no longer that good, Christians have forgotten about church, they sleep fine without the excuses and commit all of the seven sins. Divorce, the statistics of failed marriages is extremly high and marriage is no longer a sacred bond between to people, this which was emphasized by Britney Spears and her "mistake" marriage. Theft, does anyone even care anymore? The human being's mind was made to be jealous, the jealously gets so bad and the self-control has became so weak that no one even remembers morales. No one stands up when a woman gets to the table, they shut the door behind them and never hold the door open.
What I am trying to say is, well, I guess that I feel the world and its people have been ruined. After generations of bad parenting, it has gotten worse, the people have become careless and the kids have become punks. I was raised in a household surrounded by love and really close family unit. I know I am a good kid and on the road to be a good person, because I feel for the old woman who has to walk down the street to the convenence store because she has no one else, I feel for the people who were not blessed with what I was.
After I read this all over I realized what I wanted to ask is, how long, How long before the world has no more nice people, until the world has no more decent people with a conscious? It's only a matter of time because the people with no morales highly out numbers the people with them and it will continue to raise unless parents realize that their kids are not good people and will not grow up to be good people. Because all of this started with was one bad parent...